We are happy to announce the release of Ronin UI v2.3.0. This time it's a smaller release as we want to continue making smaller and more stable releases more often instead of large ones.
The main addition is a new Pairing page. This page will help users to easily choose if they want to pair with their Dojo Whirlpool, Electrum server and in the near future @SamouraiWallet Whirlpool.

Making it even easier to use your node with your @SparrowWallet or any other wallet that supports Electrum personal server. This is but a first step in dividing our UI into logical parts that will help our users navigate the UI and carry out certain tasks more easily.
There's a couple of usual things: updated dependencies and a few minor optimizations. There's also some small fixes and a new update message for users still on RoninDojo v1.x.x.
This UI streamlining will continue and it wouldn't be possible without our support team and our community that continue giving us feedback. Thank you all.