This episode is from a live recording with Zelko, Dojo Coder, Damm Kewl, Samourai and the RoninDojo community.
In a recent episode of my podcast, where I interviewed Zelko, the Co-Founder of RoninDojo, we explored various topics including the inception of their project, the motivation behind its ongoing development, and their future plans. This episode, focusing on running a Bitcoin node for everyday users, provided an excellent platform for listeners to engage and ask questions about the latest updates.
The follow-up session, which was an open discussion for listeners to share their questions or feedback, proved to be highly successful. Understanding the complexities of Bitcoin privacy and security can be challenging, and our goal is to assist people in effectively utilizing Bitcoin by utilizing the best available tools. These open discussions are invaluable in debunking misconceptions and promoting usage. Engaging in conversations with individuals committed to freedom and resistance is always enlightening.
So sit back and enjoy this one!
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